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FAQ About Our Programs
In this training you will learn how to:✅ Understand What Sex Trafficking Really Is—and why it’s not what most people think. ❤️🩹 Protect Your Kids From the Top 3 Recruitment Methods Traffickers Use to Target Youth. ⚠️ Navigate Emerging Threats Like AI, Sextortion Scams, and Grooming Tactics. 🚩 Spot the Warning Signs and Know What Resources to Use When Your Child Needs Help.
How does someone get out of sex trafficking?
What percent of pornography is related to sex trafficking?
How do boys get into sex trafficking?
Is prostitution and sex trafficking the same thing?
Do prostitutes or victims of sex trafficking get to keep any of the money?
How many boys compared to girls get sex trafficked?
Why don't victims run away or get help from police or their family?
If any kind of person can be a sex trafficker, how do you make new friends and know who to trust?Coming soon.
Are certain kind of people more likely to be sex trafficked than others?
How do you know if someone is trustworthy or a safe person?Coming soon.
What are the best ways to stay safe on social media?Coming soon.
How do pimps get caught and put in jail for what they do?Coming soon.
Why do pimps sell people?
How many people are sex trafficked?
Is buying or selling porn considered sex trafficking?Coming soon.
Pimps, Prostitutes and Commercial Sex - What are they?
What do we do if we think someone we know is being sex trafficked?
Are pimps always violent?
Would legalizing sex work help fight sex trafficking?
What is the most common form of sex trafficking?
Why does sex trafficking happen?
L.2 Question #16
What can I do to learn from my negative events and make life a little bit easier?
L.2 Question #17
What did it mean that Meeka's story was based off true stories?
Is it bad to criticize yourself a lot?
Why is shame so bad? Why does it have so many negative effects?
How was it possible that Meeka's pimp was able to make such bad things "make sense"? Why didn't Meeka realize it was wrong earlier?
What is healing? How do I get healed?
How can I recover without isolating myself?
L.2 Question #14
How do I ask for help when I am afraid? (i.e. have trust issues, afraid of judgement)?
How can I make my family the people I talk to about problems?
I don't have anyone to talk to. Should I get a therapist? What else can I do?
How do I know if I can trust someone?
Are affirmations really enough to fight shame?
L.2 Question #19
Why do so many recruiters prey on those that are suffering from mental instability or family problems?
L.2 Question #15
L.2 Question #20
L.2 Question #18
How can porn be unrealistic?
How do you recognize if your partner is struggling with porn?
What if I already think I'm getting addicted to porn?
Is it as hard to stop looking at porn as it is to stop doing drugs?
Did you take baby steps to over come your addiction? Or did you just take it out of your life in one big chunk?
As a female, I feel pretty disgusted in the fact that I'm even saying this, but my boyfriend thinks watching porn is fine. What do I do to control that addiction?
Does porn addiction only effect men or can it effect women as well?
What if a couple looks at porn together? Does it still hurt the relationship?
What are the main things that help someone stop watching porn?
How did you find the confidence to confront this issue and to talk to your parents about it?
Does sex have the same impact on the brain as porn?
Could doing that stuff affect family relationships? What happens if both of the parents are cheating?
How do you know if you have a porn addiction?
Can you O.D. on porn like drugs?
What is recovery?
Why does the brain respond to porn like it does hardcore drugs?
Is it bad to feel good?
How can porn make a relationship break up?
Is it possible to reverse the damage porn does to the brain?
If pornography is bad for our overall health, why hasn’t it been banned?
When going through recovery, is it hard not to relapse and is it hard to recover from the relapse?
What did Brandon do to overcome his addiction?
Why does porn cause too much dopamine in the brain? Are there other things that cause too much dopamine?
How does porn kill love?
Why is porn so addictive?
How many people in the porn industry speak out about what goes on behind the scenes?
Is it bad to watch porn every now and then?
Does addiction to pornography eventually lead into people becoming pimps?
Does porn hurt our mental health?
What is E.D.?
I didn’t know you can get ptsd from betrayal. Why does our brain react this way?
How do you find the courage to reach out to someone about struggling with porn when it's so embarrassing?
Do you do presentations outside of schools?Yes, we do! We happily provide youth presentations in schools, as well as youth groups and other youth organizations (ex: Girl Scouts, Boys & Girls Club, Arizona’s Children Association, etc.). We also provide parents and professionals who work with students trainings on child sex trafficking and how to keep youth safe. For more info on these types of presentations, check out the categories on our registration page.
How much class time do RLR programs take up?Various factors play into the length of RLR's programs. Ideally in-person presentations last 50-90 minutes per topic, and our new Digital Program averages 20 minutes minimum per topic. Details can be sorted out for your specific situation after your request is submitted.
Have parents ever complained about a RLR program?To our knowledge, no parent has made formal complaints surrounding our programs or activities on school campuses, youth groups or other youth programs. Parents that experience a parent training from us respond by asking how they can get us into their child's school / classes.
What if a youth discloses trafficking or abuse?If a student discloses a situation of ongoing abuse or trafficking, school staff are required to follow through with their mandatory reporting. If a trafficking situations has been disclosed, then the Student Resource Officer should be involved in the situation immediately as well as the National Human Trafficking Hotline Number called: 888-3737-888.
What topics does RLR cover?The 5 main topics we cover are: - The Basics of Sex Trafficking - Mental Health & Resilience - Healthy Relationships - Demand Prevention & the Harms of Porn For a more details, check out the breakdown in our Program Overview here.
Is Red Light Rebellion faith-based?Yes! We are a faith-based nonprofit. The reason we do what we do is because we love Jesus and want to live out the calling he has made on our lives to fight sex trafficking. We love presenting in churches and being asked questions about our faith because we get to dive into why we are passionate about justice and the hope we have in the face of such evil. When presenting in public schools, we recognize our limitations and do no preach faith in any presentation. We follow the same guidelines as set up for teachers in this regard.
When I put in a request, does that register me and lock in my spot?Requesting presentation dates does not mean that your spot is locked in. We will contact you after your request is submitted, confirm all details, and make sure it's a go.
What age are RLR's youth programs appropriate for?All youth programs are age-appropriate for 7th-12th graders, unless noted otherwise.
What happens after I submit my request?When filling out your request, give as much detail to your ideal situation as possible. Once it is submitted, our team will review your request and reach out to you via email in follow-up. Sometimes that follow-up includes modifications to the request like: dates, topics, length of the presentation, etc. If there is a cost associated with your request, that will be discussed in this follow-up as well, which can all happen via email or zoom. After all the details are agreed to, you will receive an official Confirmation Email outlining all those details so that they are easy to find in one place. This might even include things like permission slips, media files for marketing, etc. From the time you receive the Confirmation Email to the time your program begins, you will also get automated messages with reminders necessary to your event (i.e. reminders for teachers to send out permission slips, onboarding trainings for the Digital Program, reminders to post advertisements online for community events, etc.). We try to prepare you with everything you need and walk you through the process every step of the way.
Are youth presentations triggering for someone who has experienced trauma?Emotional triggers are very dependent on each individual. For 99.9% of youth we present to from all types of backgrounds, our programs are not only “not triggering” but empowering. We receive messages from students frequently thanking us for providing a message that finally shows them that they are more than the bad things in their stories. Even though it is rare for a student to be overwhelmed by a presentation, we preface each presentation by letting students know that if they do feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable at any point, they are free to let their teacher know to be excused. Typically these students are then directed to an on-campus social worker and parents are notified.
Do youth presentations address sex ed?RLR presentations do NOT address, educate on, or discuss sex or sex education. Sex trafficking typically happens in the context of relationships (traffickers pretending to be romantic partners, friends and business professionals), which means that our programs center around healthy relationships, true stories, research and resilience.
Do classroom presentations need permission slips?That is determined by the policies of the school, district and local legislation. We provide customizable permission forms that makes the process simple and easy for school staff should permission slips need to be used.
What does a school need to do in order to prepare for in-person classroom presentations?When doing classroom presentations, the only things we need are the room, a projector and a screen (or TV with HDMI connection). The rest we bring ourselves, which includes a computer, speakers and subwoofer.
How much do classroom presentations cost?For in-person: Nada! We get AMAZING donors to cover presentation costs The only time we charge is if there is travel cost associated, in which case cost varies (depending on how many days of presentations are scheduled) but you are only charged what it takes to make the trip happen. Typically if our presenters are traveling 60+ minutes, you will be charged for travel, lodging and food. Traveling situations and fees are handled on a case-by-case basis so feel free to reach out for an initial request/estimate: RLR headquarters is based in Phoenix, Arizona. Our Digital Program will have an associated cost, tbd.
Outside of availability, what else is considered when booking in-person classroom presentations?A LOT goes into booking presentations, especially when our calendar starts to fill up for the school year. Any type of alternative schedule (whether for study halls, announcements, early releases, assemblies, etc.) greatly impacts our program. Each topic we cover and presentation we give is prepared in advance to take up the full class period (50 minutes minimum). A 5-10 minute deviation causes great ripple effects in content delivery, videos and activities planned for the lesson. Here are some SCHEDULING PRO-TIPS we have for you to consider when booking with us: Check ALL calendars (yours, the schools, and the districts): when scheduling, avoid half days, alternative schedules, holidays, etc. Ideally each presentation needs a full 55-60 minutes. Less than 50 is a huge challenge for our presenters. Please communicate any unavoidable alternative schedules asap. Consider set up time: We need a minimum of 30 minutes set up time in the room we will be presenting in. Our PA system is cool but running cables safely takes time. Give the neighbors a heads up! We bump music the first few & last few minutes of classes, and during activities/videos. It is strategic in taking students through a powerful experience. Let neighboring teachers know that it will be a little loud for a couple minutes at a time.
Ya'll are dope! Are these presentations loud?No one actually asks this question, but you should know that we bump some tunes (school appropriate) when we hang with students. We definitely show our PA system (two speakers & a subwoofer) some love. This is not because we are rambunctious millennials trying to be cool; there is actually a lot of method behind the madness. Our presentations are not lectures, they are experiences. Students are taken through a roller coaster of emotions as they take in important life lessons and learn information to keep themselves and their friends safe. We tell a story of justice that involves a lot of energy, multi-media, group activities and individual participation. After conducting well over 1,000 presentations to nearly 100,000 students, we have discovered that music is a powerful vehicle to make the program more effective. So warn your neighboring teachers that for the first and last minute of class, as well as an occasional 2 minute video, your room will be a bit louder than normal. But don’t worry, we are relevant and effect as well as respectful. There are only 1-3 times during a lesson (which varies depending on the presentation) when the volume is turned up, usually only for a video.
How much class time do classroom presentations take?Various factors play into the length of RLR's programs, including what package is being requested. Our basic package takes up a minimum of 50 minutes of each class period receiving the program; whereas, our full package can take up a whole week of instruction time. Specifics are sorted out for every individual request that is submitted. Submit your request with your most ideal situation and we will do our best to accommodate.
How much does the Digital Program cost?This is dependent on the package and will be quoted after a request is submitted.
What all is considered when booking the Digital Program?We created the Digital Program to easily fit into any type of bell schedule a school might have. Being digital, it is also much easier for teachers to schedule for whenever it best works within their teaching schedule. But there are a few things to keep in mind as we consider how soon we can schedule the Digital Program: Time for onboarding: The Digital Program requires every teacher to complete a 30 minute onboard training training before delivering the program. Time for prep: Within the Digital Program, we give teachers a master to-do list with simple steps to take in preparation for delivering the program (ex: send out permission slips, test the videos, etc.). These should take less than an hour total. Time for troubleshooting: Links within the Digital Program may or may not get flagged by a school's / district's firewalls. The program should be scheduled enough in advance to ensure adequate time to test videos and resolve any firewall issues should they come up. Time for district approval: If your district requires the Digital Program to be submitted for approval before a teacher can use it, the program will not be officially scheduled until that process is complete.
How much class time does the Digital Program take up?Each teacher determines the length of the presentation based on how many topics are in the package they choose, and how many optional modules they choose to do with their students as well. The minimum package will take about 25-30 minutes to complete.
Does the Digital Program need permission slips?That is determined by the policies of the school, district and local legislation. We provide customizable permission forms that makes the process simple and easy for school staff should permission slips need to be used.
What does the school/teacher need to provide for the Digital Program?The only thing teachers will need is a screen to project pre-recorded videos onto, as well as accompanying speakers that will be loud enough for the whole room to hear. We provide all the content, including interactive activities and Q&A. Teachers simply follow the lesson outlines to facilitate the program.
Lesson 2 - Mental Health & Resilience ($7500 value)Uncover one of the biggest challenges to young people's mental health struggles Learn how traffickers take advantage of students' hardships and weaponize shame to recruit and control into exploitation Hear a survivor story and testimonies from other students who experienced RLR's programs Equip students with practical resilience tools when facing hardship, including nationally accredited resources Receive custom booklets for students to confidentially engage their stories and identify the safe support people in their lives Chose to customize digital activities with Done for You alternatives that keep students engaged with video lessons and classmates
Lesson 3 - Healthy Relationships ($7500 value)Discover RLR's 3-part formula to healthy and thriving relationships Learn from a survivor about the popular "lover-boy" method traffickers use to recruit young people Expose the characteristics in exploitive relationships that masquerade as real love and learn how to tell the difference Receive practical applications for healthy relationships that can be applied to all types of relationships - romantic, family, friends, etc. Hear from two previous students about how they navigated both healthy and unhealthy dynamics in romantic relationships Chose to customize digital activities with Done for You alternatives that keep students engaged with video lessons and classmates
Lesson 1 - Basics of Sex Trafficking ($7500 value)Discover what sex trafficking is, what it looks like and how young people can stay safe Learn about the common forms of sex trafficking and why kidnapping is not one of them Hear true stories of survivors and uncover the 3 most common methods used to recruit young people into exploitation Discover the #1 tool traffickers use for recruitment and how to avoid being targeted Learn how to recognize the warning signs of sex trafficking and what resources are available if exploitation is happening Receive RLR's top 3 pro-tips to staying safe from exploitation and looking out for others Empower students to take action through simple yet effective ways to join the Rebellion and spread awareness Chose to customize digital activities with Done for You alternatives that keep students engaged with video lessons and classmates
Lesson 4 - Demand Prevention ($7500 value)Discover the harmful effects of pornography through neuroscience, peer reviewed research and personal testimonies from other students Uncover why pornography inherently fuels sex trafficking and how young people might unknowingly be engaging exploitation Hear a survivor story, a testimonial from one of the music industry's biggest artists and stories from recovering addicts on the devastating effects of exploitive media yet the hope there is for recovery Learn about the addictive nature of pornography, its negative impact on relationships and how it actively creates the demand for sex trafficking Expose the dangers of minors engaging nudes and provide students resources if exploitation has happened as a result Empower students with hope for recovery through nationally accredited recovery resources Through an empathetic, non-shaming, science-based lesson, equip students with the information they need to make the healthiest choices in their lives concerning hyper-sexualized media Chose to customize digital activities with Done for You alternatives that keep students engaged with video lessons and classmates
Can I insert an image, video, or gif in my FAQ?Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Enter the app’s Settings 2. Click on the “Manage FAQs” button 3. Select the question you would like to add media to 4. When editing your answer click on the camera, video, or GIF icon 5. Add media from your library.
How do I add a new question & answer?To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
Do student presentations require permission slips?We provide custom opt-out forms to all the schools we work with to use at their discretion based on their unique policies and state laws. These are easily adjusted to opt-in if your school or district requires it.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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